BIGGEST Sponsor Benefits


  • Guaranteed 1 mention of company name/logo on social media platform as an initial recognition and “thank you” for donation
  • Company name/logo included on 3,000+ Big Event t-shirts that will be worn by all volunteers on the day of event. (Volunteers keep these shirts and usually wear them around campus after event as well.)
    • Note: Sponsorship levels will be indicated on the t-shirts by logo’s size and positioning. (Ex: Lowest level sponsors will have the smallest size logo and they will appear at the bottom of the t-shirts.)
  • Company name/logo featured on our social media platforms 2+ times before event date
    • Opportunity for special recognition if sponsor is interested in filling out a short questionnaire about why they wanted to donate to The BIG Event
  • Company name/logo submitted 2+ times to a UNL news publication, thanking sponsor for their donation and investment in the Big Event
    • UNL news publications may include, but are not limited to: The DailyNebraskan, Next@Nebraska eNewsletter, the UNL RSO eNewsletter, Greek Weeklys eNewsletter
  • Two radio mentions (sponsorship recognition)
    • One mention prior to the event (most likely the week leading up to event date)
    • One mention during the event
      • A local radio is scheduled to be on site at the event, hosting their broadcast from the City Campus Union and providing the event with music that day

Please Note:

The BIG Event is a non-profit, therefore ALL sponsors receive a tax-write off for their donation (w-9)Levels for food donations will be determined by the food price monetary equivalent
  • Invitation to have a sponsorship booth the City Campus Recreation Center where 3,000+ students and faculty will gather before and after volunteering to eat and hangout
    • Handing out promotional materials and interacting with students is accepted
    • Booth spots are limited and will be assigned on a first-come first-serve basis