Hailey Drawbaugh

Hailey Drawbaugh
Position: Marketing
Year in School: Junior
Major: Veterinary Science
Hometown: Gardner, KS

Number of years involved in TBE: 3

What does TBE mean to you? To me, The Big Event means community. It means being thankful for those around you enough to want to give back to them. It's putting others before yourself, and taking the time out of your busy life to help other people. It's a day to thank the community for supporting the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Why did you joing TBE? I joined The Big Event because as an out of state student, I was looking for a way to give back to the community that I called my home away from home, and this was it. Although it's a small way to give back, the smiles of appreciation that you see on others faces made a world of difference to me. I've really enjoyed volunteering, so I chose to continue my involvement with The Big Event by being on the executive team!